Khelo India funds for sports
infrastructure in states
The Central Government is aiding
sports infrastructure projects in different states under its flagship Khelo
India Programme. At the outset, it is important here to note that since sports
is a state subject, the responsibility of developing sports infrastructure rests
with the State Governments and the Central role is to supplement the state
efforts by bridging the gap.

A look at the numbers for 2018-19
from the statements laid by the Ministry in the Lok Sabha shows that the top 4 states which have received
the maximum funding under this vertical
are UP(Rs 43.43 crores), Arunachal Pradesh (Rs 39.50 crores), Maharashtra (Rs
19.87 Crores) and Manipur (Rs 19.15 Crores).
That two states from the north- east are among the top 4 is itself a positive

However, the amount released by
the Central Government has to be effectively utilized by the State Government.
Glancing through the numbers for 2017-18 (since such data for 2018-19 is not available),
the amount of UCs (Utilization Certificates) pending is the largest for
Arunachal Pradesh where a whooping Rs. 13 crores were not utilized out of the
allocated Rs 15.25 crore. Shocking also is that for the states of Telangana
& Gujarat, UCs are pending for 100% of the released funds of Rs Rs. 6.5
crores and 5.5 crores respectively. Besides, the states of Rajasthan and Karnataka
have also not utilized Rs. 7.5 crores and Rs. 6.75 crores respectively.

Further, it is perturbing that no
funds have been released for 2018-19 or 2019-20(as of 31.10.2019) for the
states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Telangana, Tripura and
all of the UTs other than Puducherry. However, the responsibility for this is
definitely solely not on centre. The state governments cannot also be absolved from
this. For example, the state of Bihar had been sanctioned 1 sports
infrastructure project in 2018-19 which was Multipurpose Indoor Hall at Nawada.
However, as per the statement given by Centre, funds could not be transferred
due to non-fulfilment of electronic payment system compliances by the Bihar
State Sports Authority! Similarly, for
the state of Chhattisgarh, 100% of the released fund of Rs 2.5 crore had
remained unutilized for the year 2017-18. Besides, for the state of Jharkhand, only
2 proposals were submitted by the state government out of which 1 project had
already been sanctioned by the Centre earlier.
Though the funds are not being
released statewise but projectwise, the coordinated role of both State
government and Central Government cannot be highlighted more. Time has now come
that the state governments are also made accountable for the proposals they
send, the approved projects and effective utilization of released funds.
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